We are always seeking volunteers interested in making a difference in our community. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, complete an application, provide references, and pass a criminal background check.
Volunteers pick up meals from one of our eleven locations and deliver the meals to seniors' homes Monday through Thursday. Volunteers deliver just one day per month for up to 1.5 hours. In many cases, our volunteers are the only person the recipient will see all day. We provide the training and nutritious meals. You provide your time and vehicle to deliver meals.
Businesses, churches and other groups can adopt a route, meaning they organize a team of volunteers to make sure meals are delivered to that route for a week, or even a month. Our staff can come to you to provide more information about how this works.
We are always looking for singers, bands, dancers, and other talented individuals who are willing to provide one or more free performances at our Seniors Morning Out locations. Do you have a special talent? Can you share your knowledge; can you perform; can you lead a craft activity? If so, we want to hear from you!
We can always use extra help at our Seniors Morning Out locations. Typical activities include preparing coffee or tea, moving tables or chairs, serving meals, cleaning up after meals, and helping seniors with mobility issues safely enter or exit buildings. If this sound like something you would like to do, call (828) 695-5617. (Background checks are required for all volunteers.)
Can you, your church, or your business organize a special event to raise money for our programs? If so, we would love to hear from you! Could you distribute flyers to area locations, prepare mailings, or help in other ways? Call (828) 695-5617 to find out more.