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About Family Builders

Family Builders of Catawba Valley, part of Catawba County Social Services, has a mission to create, build, strengthen and sustain all families through foster, adoption, and kinship services. We affirm the philosophy that every child has the right to a safe, loving and permanent home.

The majority of children we serve have entered Social Services’ custody due to abuse, neglect or dependency. Our first goal is to reunify those children with their birth families. Foster families are needed who can “foster for reunification” and help children return to their birth family when safe and appropriate. Loving families are also needed to adopt children who cannot be returned to their families of origin and for whom the court has ordered a plan of adoption.

Family Builders of Catawba Valley is constantly searching for resource families (foster and adoptive families). Resource families may foster, adopt, or provide kinship or respite care/visiting services for waiting children.

Upcoming Events

2nd Tuesdays of month,
6:00-7:30 PM
Online via Zoom Video

Foster/Adoption Information Meeting

Family Builders Informational Meeting for prospective Foster/Adoptive Families
who want to learn about the Family Builders program – No reservation needed.

Like and follow our page on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to see information about fostering and adoption and help us spread the word about the need for foster and adoptive families in our community!