Medicaid Transportation

Two types of Medicaid transportation are available to Medicaid recipients:

  • Customers able to transfer independently to and from the vehicle may call the Social Services Medicaid Transportation unit at (828) 695-5608 between 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Monday-Friday to reserve transportation services. Medicaid transportation is provided in County vehicles driven by Social Services employees. Customers must be able to transfer independently to and from the vehicle. A three-business-day notice is needed for appointments within Catawba County, and a five-business-day notice is needed for appointments outside of Catawba County. If possible, we will attempt to assist on shorter notice.
  • If you are unable to transfer independently into a vehicle or use a wheelchair, we contract with other vendors to provide a lift van to take you to your Medicaid appointments. Call the Social Services Medicaid Transportation unit at (828) 695-5608 to arrange transportation.

Things You Should Know

Transportation is provided to and from your home to your medical appointments that are covered by Medicaid. You have the right to select your own medical provider except when the needed service can be obtained locally and when the chosen provider is not at a significantly greater distance from your residence solely because of personal preference.

If there is a medical reason for seeing a provider outside of Catawba County when the service can be obtained locally, then a referral from a local provider with justification will be required.

We must transport by the least expensive means available suitable to your needs. We take into account individual circumstances when determining what transportation is suitable.