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Public Health

Catawba County Public Health: Leading the Way to a Healthier Community

Our goal is to promote, protect, and improve the health of the community by assessing and responding to needs, assuring services, developing policies, and fostering collaboration. Catawba County Public Health believes in improving the overall health of the community through implementing our Mission, Vision and Values in our everyday practice. Catawba County Public Health provides health and education services to a diverse array of individuals, families and organizations in our community. We are a service-driven organization committed to fostering partnerships that lead to the promotion, protection and improvement of health in Catawba County and surrounding communities.

Mission: To promote, protect, and improve the health of the community by assessing and responding to needs, assuring services, developing policies, and fostering collaboration.
Vision: Leading the way to a healthier community
Values: Collaboration, People, Respect, Innovation, Trust and Excellence

The day-to-day work of Catawba County Public Health is overseen by a Leadership Team of dedicated staff members, and works under the direction of the Catawba County Board of Health.

Catawba County Public Health conducts a Community Health Assessment every three years. This document reflects months of input-seeking from community stakeholders, as well as the most recent data available to the organization to inform our county’s health priorities for the next three years. In interim years, a State of the County Health Report is compiled and includes updated data and progress on initiatives. We also publish an Annual Report of our accomplishments each fiscal year.

For additional health resources in Catawba County, please see our Health Resources page.

All of our services are provided in a welcoming and confidential setting. Read our Notice of Privacy Practices (Spanish).

Catawba County Public Health believes in making improvements to our services based on your feedback. Please share your perspective to support a healthier Catawba County.

Salud Publica del Condado de Catawba cree en mejorar nuestros servicios basándonos en sus comentarios. Por favor comparta su perspectiva para apoyar a un Condado de Catawba más saludable.

Phone: (828) 695-5800

Fax: (828) 695-5104

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