Seniors Morning Out
Seniors Morning Out is a half-day program for persons 60 or older who live in Catawba County. The program operates Monday through Thursday except for holidays and inclement weather. There are no income requirements to participate. This service is free to participants, however, donations are accepted.
Seniors Morning Out activities include information about nutrition and healthy living, entertainment, games and crafts, exercise, and trips to local shopping and attractions.
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Seniors Morning Out has several convenient locations throughout the county. Please call the site supervisor at least 48 hours in advance if you plan to attend:
East Hickory
First United Methodist Church
311 3rd Ave NE, Hickory, NC 28601
Phone: (828) 320-5963
Site supervisor: Suzi Caesar
Maiden Community Center
207 E. Klutz St, Maiden, NC 28650
Phone: (828) 320-5966
Site Supervisor: Lisa Adams
First Presbryterian Church
701 N. Main Ave, Newton, NC 28658
Phone: (828) 455-4133
Site Supervisor: Danielle Hicks
North Hickory
Sandy Ridge Baptist Church
3702 16th St NE, Hickory, NC 28601
Phone: (828) 323-8746
Site supervisor: Cheryl Grambow
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
3180 W Main St, Claremont, NC 28610
Phone: (828) 320-0434
Site Supervisor: Kayla Smith
Transportation to Seniors Morning Out sites may be provided by Greenway for those who no longer drive. If you need bus transportation, please call (828) 695-5610 to make arrangements.