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Communicable Disease

The main objectives for Catawba County Public Health's Communicable Disease staff, under the direction of and in collaboration with the NC General Communicable Disease Control Branch, are:

  • To promptly investigate disease outbreaks and unusual situations, and to implement control measures to minimize further transmission of disease
  • To monitor disease reporting by physicians and laboratories in order to detect trends
  • To provide a channel of communication between Catawba County Public Health, private physicians, and hospital and occupational infection control personnel, as an essential part of disease control efforts
  • To explain public health interventions and disseminate health education messages to the community in order to enhance disease control efforts.

There are nearly 100 diseases mandated by law as reportable to the State of NC Communicable Disease Branch. These diseases include foodborne, airborne, blood borne, waterborne or vector borne (e.g., insect bites). In addition to legally reportable diseases, Catawba County Communicable Disease nurses assist with other public health concerns such as MRSA, lice, dog bites, and others to ensure the affected persons and their contacts are receiving proper health care.

Health care providers should report communicable diseases using the Reporting Form for Health Care Providers. Some diseases must be reported within 24 hours, while others have as many as 7 days to report.

For more information on communicable diseases in North Carolina, please visit the North Carolina Communicable Disease Branch.