Care Management for At Risk Children (CMARC)

The Care Management for At Risk Children (CMARC) program is free and relies on voluntary participation from parents. It serves children from birth to age 5 in Catawba County. CMARC Care Managers help with locating a medical home for children and arranging transportation and childcare. They can also provide parents with information about a wide variety of family-oriented resources. The goals are:

  • To support children in reaching their developmental potential
  • To help ensure that children are raised in healthy, safe, and nurturing environments
  • To discuss family strengths and concerns through home visits, telephone calls and other personal contact
  • To identify programs, services, and resources that meet families’ needs
  • To introduce parents to support programs when available
  • To offer encouragement and support

Children birth to age three who are at risk for developmental delay or disability, long-term illness and/or social, emotional disorders and children ages birth to five who have been diagnosed with developmental delay or disability, long-term illness and/or social, emotional disorder may be eligible for the program. To determine eligibility for CMARC services, call (828) 695-5800

Log on to the NC Health and Human Services division’s office of Medical Assistance here. More information is available on the statewide CMARC program website.