Operation Pill Stoppers

Our Mission

Protect our future and environment by joining the fight against drug abuse. Operation Pill Stoppers is designed to help protect your family and pets against accidental ingestion and help keep our water clean and safe. The Pill Stoppers program operates in partnership with local agencies and law enforcement.


Contact LT Eric Page by email at epage@catawbacountync.gov or (828)465-8278

  • More than 75% of all unintentional poisonings are by over-the-counter and prescription medications
  • Approximately 40% of injuries from unintentional poisoning occur in children under five years of age
  • 1 in 5 teens has abused a prescription pain medicine
  • In the US 2,700 youth try non-prescribed drugs a day.
  • 1.2 Million 12-17 die of prescription drug overdoses a year.

Teens think these drugs are safe because they have legitimate uses.
Make sure your kids and grandkids know that taking them without a prescription is just as dangerous and addictive as using street narcotics and illicit drugs.

  • More than 70% of prescription drugs abusers say that they get the medications from friends or relatives for free or by theft
  • Keeping unused medications creates a dangerous opportunity for accidental poisonings or illicit drug use
  • Lock up medications
  • Check your medications regularly
  • Clear the unused or unwanted medications out of your cabinets
  • Medicine Drops will take your unwanted drugs and incinerate them in a safe and non-hazardous manner
  • Drop off is anonymous, quick and easy

Do not flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless the label or accompanying patient information specifically instructs you to do so. To dispose of prescription drugs, visit one of the Pill Stoppers drop box locations at a law enforcement agency near you. Only Law Enforcement officers are able to pick up medication from local drop boxes and dispose of it safely. All medicine collected from the drop boxes is turned over to the NC SBI where they incinerate the medication. Please only dry medications in the drop boxes, no liquids or sharps/syringes.

Where can I find a dropbox?

Catawba County Sheriff's Office
100 E Government Drive
Newton, NC ‎28658
Terrell Satellite office
8456 Sherills Ford Road
Sherrills Ford, NC 28673

Brookford Police Dept
1700 South Center Street
Hickory, NC 28602

Catawba Police Dept
107 S Main St
Catawba, NC 28609

Conover Police Dept
115 2nd Ave NE
Conover, NC ‎28613

Claremont Police Dept
3301 E Main St
Claremont, NC 28610

Hickory Police Dept
347 2nd Avenue SW
Hickory, NC 28602

Newton Police Dept
411 N Main Ave
Newton, NC 28658

Maiden Police Dept
400 East Main St
Maiden, NC 28650

Longview Police Dept
2404 1st Ave SW
Hickory, NC 28602