Catawba County News

Library Wants to Hear from You!
Published: March 24, 2023
It’s our favorite time of the year…Annual Customer Service Survey time!
Let us know what we’re doing well, what we could be doing better, and how we can best share library information with you.
The Catawba County Library wants to hear from you! This quick survey will take only a few minutes of your time but your answers will make all the difference. It will show us where we are doing a great job and help us plan future library services so that we can do even better. There are no right or wrong answers and your responses are completely confidential.
As a bonus incentive, the library will be holding a drawing for a County Swag Bag! There will be two winners at each library location and one for the Library to Go. Be sure to add your name at the end of the survey to be entered into the drawing.
Surveys can be found at all library locations and online through the library’s website (click here).
You can also go directly to the survey by clicking one of the links below:
English Version:
Spanish Version: