Catawba County News

Wills & Advance Directives 101
Published: April 15, 2021
Although some people prefer to avoid thoughts of mortality, the necessity of drawing up legal papers for unforeseen circumstances is of great benefit to your loved ones. Sharing your wishes with them and thoughtfully considering everyone’s best interests prior to a life-changing event can be a huge relief when the time comes to make difficult decisions.
Helping people understand the motivation for having wills and advance directives on file – along with the right ways to create and communicate them – is the goal for our upcoming Zoom conversation with Hunter Koehl from Legal Aid of North Carolina, a statewide nonprofit.
We’ll learn more about the information needed, the people involved, the forms required, and what’s mandatory to make them official. Participants are also invited to bring any other questions they’d like to have answered by legal professionals.
Two sessions are available: at 11 am on Friday, April 23 and at 6 pm on Monday, April 26. Register for either one at