Catawba County News

Wellness Continues at the Library
Published: April 28, 2020
The library understands the importance of wellness in residents’ lives – especially in light of our current circumstances that demand social distancing and stay-at-home safety. Maintaining physical activity, good nutrition, smart mental health strategies, and plenty of sleep are essential while we wait to return to our more familiar regimens at the gym, grocery store, park, and other places.
In this interim period, the library is offering a variety of resources to help people find mind-body balance and keep themselves healthy. On Mindfulness Mondays, we have tapped into a series of tai chi videos that focus on improving immunity and reducing stress. You can do them from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. Not only will they give your joints and ligaments a good stretch, but they’ll also help you learn techniques for centering your thoughts and tamping down a racing mind. They’re available on our Facebook page.
Zumba classes also continue at the library, courtesy of our longtime instructors Honey and Jossiah. By downloading the Zoom app and connecting to the sessions, anybody can take advantage of a sweat-inducing workout three times a week. Everything you loved in person is now available through a screen, and you absolutely don’t have to worry about what you wear or how you look!
- Zumba classes are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm. Join in by using this link:
- STRONG is a high-intensity interval training class, scheduled every Saturday at 9 am. Join it with this link:
We’re also constantly building out new opportunities to keep residents well, so check out our Facebook page in the coming days and weeks for more information. In addition, we can connect you to helpful resources that feature everything from yoga and walking DVDs to exercise programs for kids and seniors. Moreover, we offer a robust supply of printed materials that you can reserve online and pick up through our curbside service programs at Newton and Sherrills Ford-Terrell.
Best of all, our library staff is happy to guide you to appropriate wellness resources when you call any branch during our current business hours (Monday through Friday, 9 am-4:30 pm). We’re still here, so reach out when you need us!