Catawba County News

Upcoming Holiday Closings: Christmas and New Year's
Published: December 14, 2022
Catawba County Government offices and facilities will be closed in observance of the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s holidays as follows:
Catawba County Government offices will be closed from Thursday, December 22 through Monday, December 26 and will reopen Tuesday, December 27. County offices will also be closed Monday, January 2.
The Catawba County Park System (Bakers Mountain, Mountain Creek, Riverbend and St. Stephens) will only be closed Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24) and Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25). Otherwise, they will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., including over the New Year’s holiday weekend.
All Catawba County Library System branches (Newton, Claremont, Conover, Maiden, Sherrills Ford-Terrell, Southwest and St. Stephens) will be closed from Thursday, December 22 through Monday, December 26. County libraries will also be closed Monday, January 2.
The Catawba County Animal Shelter will close Thursday, December 22 and reopen Tuesday, December 27. The shelter is not open on Sundays or Mondays, which includes Sunday, January 1 and Monday, January 2.
The Blackburn Sanitary Landfill will close Saturday, December 24 and will reopen Monday, December 26. The Blackburn Construction & Demolition Landfill will close Friday, December 23 and will reopen Monday, December 26. Both landfills will be closed Monday, January 2.
The County’s five solid waste convenience centers (Blackburn, Bethany Church Road, Cooksville, Oxford and Sherrills Ford) will be closed Sunday, December 25 and Sunday, January 1 and will reopen following their usual schedules.