Catawba County News

This Week @ Your Library January 13-20
Published: January 13, 2023
We've got storytimes!
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Preschool story time with reading readiness. Join us for songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn.
Wednesdays at 10 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Main Library in Newton
Wednesdays at 11 am
Southwest Branch Library
Thursdays at 10 am
Maiden Branch Library
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Southwest Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Fridays at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
Ready to Learn Storytime: Bilingual
Miercoles a la 10 am
Wednesdays at 10 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Únase a nosotros para hora del cuento bilingüe, canciones, movimiento, aprendizaje y más para preescolares.
Join us for bilingual storytime featuring stories, songs, movement, learning and more for preschoolers.
Programs for children!
Pre-K STEAM: Winter
Saturday, January 14 from 9:30 - 11:30 am
Main Library in Newton
Bring your little one(s) and join them in winter-themed activities and experiments. Ideal for ages 2 to 6.
Family Puzzle Competition
Saturday, January 14 at 11 am
Conover Branch Library
Does your family like puzzles? Up for some friendly competition? The family who completes their puzzle fastest wins a prize! To register, please call 828-466-5108.
PAWS To Read
Saturday, January 14
St. Stephens Branch Library
Schedule a 20-minute appointment to read with a certified therapy dog. To schedule an appointment, please call 828-466-6821.
Arctic Escape
Saturday, January 14 from 2 - 4:30 pm
Main Library in Newton
Gather up to 5 friends to test your skills in solving puzzles, guaranteeing your escape! To register, please call 828-465-8665. Ideal for grades 3 and up.
Dream Readers
Los sabados solo con cita previa
Biblioteca de St. Stephens
Dream Readers es una programa gratis de lectura y aprendizaje para niños de 5 a 10 años. Para información adicional, por favor envíe un correo electrónico:
Dream Readers
Saturdays by appointment
St. Stephens Branch Library
Dream Readers is a reading and learning program for children ages 5 to 10. For more information, please email:
Programs for teens!
Teen Tuesdays
Tuesdays at 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
{Teen Tuesdays will be on a short break, returning January 24.}
Programs for adults!
Community Navigator
Thursdays & Fridays from 9 am - 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
Stop in to visit with a Community Navigator for a one-on-one session to get connected with services, resources, and local assistance available in Catawba County. For more information, please call 828-465-9553.
Techs-pert Help
Fridays at 11 am
Southwest Branch Library
Did you get an e-reader, tablet, or some other new piece of technology as a gift for the holidays? Are you struggling to learn the ropes of your new device? Our library tech experts (techs-perts!) are here to help! Drop in on any Friday during January between 11 am and 12 pm for one-on-one tech help!
Just Walk!
Fridays at 4 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Join us for a fun indoor walk. Enjoy music, moves and smiles—this is more fun than anyone should have on a fitness walk! To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6821. Fitness waiver required.
“Navigating Jim Crow: The Green Book and Oasis Spaces in North Carolina” Museum Exhibit
January 9 – February 28
Main Library in Newton
On loan from the NC African American Heritage Commission, this exhibit highlights a complex statewide network of business owners and Green Book sites that allowed African American communities to thrive, and that created “oasis spaces” for a variety of African American travelers. Eight vibrant panels feature images and the words of business owners, travelers, and historic and present-day images of North Carolina Green Book sites. This exhibit is free and open to the public during library operating hours.
Gentle Flow Yoga
Friday, January 13 at 11 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
A certified yoga instructor will lead us through a beginner-friendly, gentle flow yoga class. You are encouraged to bring a yoga mat or towel as well as a small blanket. To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6827.
Cypress Resume Builder
Saturday, January 14 at 11 am
Main Library in Newton
Need help building your resume? Join us to learn about Cypress Resume Builder, a free online program available through NC LIVE, that offers a basic template to create your resume easily. Each participant will have the opportunity to create and print a copy of their resume. To register, please call 828-465-9494.
Getting Started with Hoopla & Libby
Tuesday, January 17 from 12 - 7 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Hoopla and Libby are free, user-friendly ways to find thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks with your library card. Bring your smart phone or internet-enabled device and learn how to download the apps, sign in, and borrow ebooks and eaudiobooks so that you can truly have the library everywhere you are. To schedule an appointment, please call 828-466-6821.
Job Seeking Boot Camp
Tuesday, January 17 at 3 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Resume Writing: learn some tips and tricks for writing an engaging resume.
Yarn Swap
Tuesday, January 17 from 4 - 6 pm
Maiden Branch Library
Thin out your personal yarn stash and swap it for something that might work better for you! Take what you need for your projects, and donate what you don't want.
Catawba Songwriters
Tuesday, January 17 at 6 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Share your talents while you learn from others. Bring a finished written song or one that’s in progress to share with the group.
Comidas a bajo costo
Martes, 17 de enero a las 6 pm
Biblioteca de Newton
Programa presentado en español e inglés
Aprenderemos a preparar una comida completa a bajo costo usando una receta que use carne, verduras y un postre delicioso pero económico.
Meals on a Budget
Tuesday, January 17 at 6 pm
Main Library in Newton
Program presented in English and Spanish
Stretch your family food budget with a recipe using meat and vegetables with a tasty, inexpensive dessert.
A Pictorial History of Sherrills Ford
Tuesday, January 17 at 7 pm
Rehobeth United Methodist Church
Projected photos provided by long-time area residents and their families will be used to discuss the history of the area prior to and after the creation of Lake Norman. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Sherrills Ford-Terrell Library (snow date Tuesday January 24).
Chair Yoga
Wednesday, January 18 at 11:30 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
A certified yoga instructor will lead us through a class friendly for all body types and levels. This class is perfect for anyone looking for accessible ways to stretch, relax, and gain the benefits of doing yoga with the added security of using a chair.
Career Center
Wednesday, January 18 from 1 - 4 pm
Main Library at Newton
A Goodwill career specialist will be available to provide one-on-one assistance with resumes, interview practice and other soft skills, online applications, and job search strategies. Reserve a 30-minute appointment by calling 828-465-8665 or drop in as able.
Expungement Workshop
Thursday, January 19 at 10 am
Online via WebEx
Do you or someone you know qualify for expungement? Learn what you need to know about having charges removed from criminal records. To register, please visit
Family History Detective – Become a Tombstone Tourist
Thursday, January 19 at 10:30 am
Main Library in Newton
This engaging workshop will delve into everything you need to know when you go looking for your ancestor’s final resting place. Discover the clues the graves are telling you. To register, please call 828-465-8665.
Canva for Resumes
Thursday, January 19 at 4 pm
Online via Zoom and In person at:
Maiden Branch Library
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Southwest Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Stay comfy and warm at home, or join us at one of the participating branches,
while learning how to use Canva to make a dynamic resume. To register for this program, please visit or call 828-465-9494.
Visit with the Library to Go - out in the community!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration
Saturday, January 14 from 11 am - 4 pm
Downtown Newton
Join the Library to Go at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration in Downtown Newton. Crafts from 11 am - 2 pm and storytime at 1 pm.