Catawba County News

This Week @ Your Library February 10-17
Published: February 10, 2023
We've got storytimes!
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Preschool story time with reading readiness. Join us for songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn.
Wednesdays at 10 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Main Library in Newton
Wednesdays at 11 am
Southwest Branch Library
Thursdays at 10 am
Maiden Branch Library
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Southwest Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Fridays at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
Ready to Learn Storytime: Bilingual
Miercoles a la 10 am
Wednesdays at 10 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Únase a nosotros para hora del cuento bilingüe, canciones, movimiento, aprendizaje y más para preescolares.
Join us for bilingual storytime featuring stories, songs, movement, learning and more for preschoolers.
Programs for children!
Pre-K Stations
Friday, February 10 at 10 am
Conover Branch Library
Experience an engaging learning environment with your little ones! Guide your child through our sensory, craft, and STEAM stations. This program is ideal for children from 2-5 years old.
Perler Bead Club
Friday, February 10 at 4 pm
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Love crafts but aren’t super crafty? Join the Perler Beads Club! At this easy craft, you'll make designs (keychains, coasters, artwork) using small beads that are fused together with heat. Templates and materials provided. Ideal for grades 1 and up.
The Sword in the Stone with the Green Room Theatre Traveling Youth
Saturday, February 11 at 2 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Join us for a FREE all-youth performance of the classic fable Sword in the Stone from our friends at the Green Room.
Collection Spotlight Storytime: Coretta Scott King Award Winners
Thursday, February 16 at 4:30 pm
Main Library in Newton
At this special afternoon storytime, we’ll be sharing some books that have received the Coretta Scott King Award. This award is intended to encourage the artistic expression of the African American experience via literature and graphic arts, and promote an understanding and appreciation of the black culture.
Programs for teens!
Teen Tuesdays
Tuesdays at 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
February 14: Palentine’s Day
Arctic Escape Room
Friday, February 17 at 2 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Stranded in the arctic tundra, your only hope for escape is to decipher the mysterious clues to open the box containing a map, compass, and rations! To register for your 30-minute slot between 2 - 5 pm, please call 828-466-6818.
Programs for adults!
Zumba Mondays!
Mondays at 6 pm
Main Library at Newton
Kick off your week with a burst of Zumba, a dance and movement class that’s too much fun to call exercise. It’s appropriate for every skill and ability level and open to anyone 14+ (parental signature required for teens under 18).
Community Navigator
Thursdays & Fridays from 9 am - 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
Stop in to visit with a Community Navigator for a one-on-one session to get connected with services, resources, and local assistance available in Catawba County. For more information, please call 828-465-9553.
Gentle Flow Yoga
Fridays at 11 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
A certified yoga instructor will lead us through a beginner-friendly, gentle flow yoga class. You are encouraged to bring a yoga mat or towel as well as a small blanket. To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6827.
Stretch for Health - Meditate for Mindfulness
Fridays at 4 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Research has shown that stretching can help improve flexibility, and range of motion of your joints. Combining it with meditation benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Bring a mat or a large towel. Exercise waivers required.
“Navigating Jim Crow: The Green Book and Oasis Spaces in North Carolina” Museum Exhibit
January 9 – February 28
Main Library in Newton
On loan from the NC African American Heritage Commission, this exhibit highlights a complex statewide network of business owners and Green Book sites that allowed African American communities to thrive, and that created “oasis spaces” for a variety of African American travelers. Eight vibrant panels feature images and the words of business owners, travelers, and historic and present-day images of North Carolina Green Book sites. This exhibit is free and open to the public during library operating hours.
Craft Supply Swap
Friday & Saturday, February 10 & 11
Main Library at Newton
Albert Einstein said, “Out of clutter, find simplicity.” Be like Einstein and clear out your craft closet. Bring your unneeded, new or gently used craft items to trade for craft supplies that you do want.
Lovely Valentine Appetizer Plate
Friday, February 10 at 4 pm
Main Library at Newton
Create a beautiful appetizer plate, suitable for Valentine’s Day, with a dash of know-how and creativity. To register, please visit the library or call 828-465-8665.
Green Book VR Experience
Saturday, February 11 from 2 - 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
Experience virtual reality and learn more about the Green Book! Sign up for a time slot to view short VR movies focusing on the Green Book and travel for African Americans in the last century. To register for a time slot, please call 828-465-8665.
Yin Yoga
Monday, February 13 at 8 am
Elevate Healing Arts
3314 16th Ave SE, Conover
Try this slowed down yoga class in which you’ll be focusing on stretching the connective tissues using supportive props. All postures are done on the floor, targeting the lumbar spine through the knees. Open to anyone 14+ (parental signature required for teens under 18). Bring a mat or towel. To register, please visit the library or call 828-465-8665.
Adult Book Club (virtual)
Monday, February 13 at 6:30 pm
Online via Facebook
February’s theme is to read a book by an author new to you. Follow along here (including reading suggestions for the month’s theme):
Interviewing Tips Workshop
Tuesday, February 14 at 10 am
Online via WebEx
Learn tips on how to ACE a job interview! To register, please visit
Adult STEAM: Salad on a Stick
Tuesday, February 14 at 2 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Show some love for yourself and loved ones by making healthier meal choices! Create a skewered salad and make some healthy dressing perfect for dipping. To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6818.
Mystery Mavens Book Club
Tuesday, February 14 at 6:30 pm
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
The Mystery Mavens book club welcomes new members and is open to the public, even if you haven’t read the book. Join us for a lively discussion on Death at La Fenice by Donna Leon.
Chair Yoga
Wednesday, February 15 at 11:30 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Led by a certified yoga instructor, this class is perfect for anyone looking for accessible ways to stretch, relax, and gain the benefits of doing yoga with the added security of using a chair.
Career Center
Wednesday, February 15 from 1 - 4 pm
Main Library at Newton
A Goodwill career specialist will be available to provide one-on-one assistance with resumes, interview practice and other soft skills, online applications, and job search strategies. Reserve a 30-minute appointment by calling 828-465-8665 or drop in as able.
Green Book VR Experience
Thursday, February 16 from noon - 6 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
In conjunction with Navigating Jim Crow: The Green Book and Oasis Spaces in North Carolina museum exhibit: experience a virtual reality short video to learn more about the Green Book and travel during the Jim Crow era throughout the South. To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6821.
NC Reads Carolina Built by Kianna Alexander
Friday, February 17 at 10 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
North Carolina Reads, sponsored by North Carolina Humanities Council, will be providing copies of Kianna Alexander’s novel, Carolina Built. Copies are available for participants of one of two discussion times. For more information, please visit the library or call 828-466-6821.
Visit with the Library to Go - out in the community!
Clean Wave Laundry Suds & Stories
Sunday, February 12 from 2 - 5 pm
2720 2nd Ave NW, Hickory, NC 28601
Check out books, use our wi-fi hotspot, or get some one-on-one help with your device. Our family storytime which incorporates stories, songs, and sensory play starts at 3 pm.