Catawba County News

This Week @ Your Library August 30-September 6
Published: August 29, 2024
We've got storytimes!
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Preschool story time with reading
readiness. Join us for songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn.
Wednesdays at 10 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Main Library in Newton
Wednesdays at 11 am
Southwest Branch Library
Thursdays at 10 am
Maiden Branch Library
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Southwest Branch Library
St. Stephens Branch Library
Fridays at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
Ready to Learn Storytime: Tiny to Two
Mondays at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
This sweet, simple, 20-minute story time features rhymes, bounces, sensory play, and singing for our youngest learners. Playtime follows.
Programs for children!
Safe Kids Storytime: Back to School
Wednesday, September 4 at 10 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Join us for Safety Time with Jessi Kirby from Safe Kids! We will read stories and important safety lessons, making it a fun and educational experience for children and families.
Thursday, September 5 at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
Children and their grownups are invited to explore interactive play stations to build confidence in learning.
Homeschool Hangout
Thursday, September 5 at 11 am
Conover Branch Library
Are you a homeschooling family or group? Come out and meet other homeschoolers! We’ll have an activity and coloring pages. For grades K-5.
Programs for adults!
Purl and Chain: Knit and Crochet Club
Tuesdays at 6 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Make new friends and enjoy the company of others while you knit and crochet. Bring your own materials.
Mindful Movement
Fridays at 3 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Combining stretching with meditation may benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can do these exercises while sitting in a chair or bring a mat/towel for floor routines. While this class is geared to 50+, adults of all ages are invited to join.
Become an Excel Expert
Tuesday, September 3 at 6 pm
Main Library in Newton
Whether spreadsheets are your love language, or you actually have to use them in your work tasks, chances are these trainings will answer all of your most pressing questions. Sign up for the classes you need. To register, please visit
September 3 - The Quick Access Toolbar, Conditional Formatting, Data Validation, Regular Charts
September 10 - Lookups - Part 1: XLOOKUP & VLOOKUP
September 17 - Logical Aggregation (SUMIFS/AVERAGEIFS/MAXIFS/MINIFS)
Avoiding Online Scams
Tuesday, September 3 at 6 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Scams everywhere you look online, and they’re only getting more convincing and sophisticated. This program will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to spot common signs of scams before you fall victim!
Chair Yoga
Wednesday, September 4 at 11:30 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
A certified yoga instructor will lead us through a beginner-friendly, gentle flow chair yoga class. Chair yoga allows you to perform yoga poses while seated or using a chair for balance.
Career Center
Wednesday, September 4 from 1 - 4 pm
Main Library in Newton
A Goodwill career specialist will be available to provide one-on-one assistance with your job-related needs. Want to get your resume on Indeed or LinkedIn? Reserve a 30-minute appointment by calling 828-465-8665, or drop in as you are able.
Gentle Flow Yoga
Friday, September 6 at 11 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
A certified yoga instructor will lead us through a beginner-friendly, gentle flow yoga class. You are encouraged to bring a yoga mat or towel as well as a small blanket.