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![This Week at Your Library [Aug17-Aug24] This Week at Your Library [Aug17-Aug24]](/site/assets/files/6666/library.jpg)
This Week at Your Library [Aug17-Aug24]
Published: August 14, 2019
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10 am
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Kids Book Club
Monday, August 19 at 5:30 pm
Read a book that fits the theme for the month, and then come to the book club meeting for activities and discussion. In August, we’re reading books about heroes. Ideal for rising 3rd graders and up.
Composition Book Decoration
Tuesday, August 20 at 4 pm
Transform a ‘boring’ composition book cover into a notebook as cool as you are! We'll decorate one notebook per participant.
Mondays at 6 pm
Kick off your week with this dance/movement activity that’s too much fun to call exercise. Appropriate for every skill and ability level, open to ages 14+ (parental signature required for those under 18).
Tai Chi
Thursdays at 6 pm
Reduce stress and anxiety while increasing flexibility and balance. Suitable for all fitness levels, open to ages 14 and up (parental signature required for teens under 18).
3-D Basics
Tuesday, August 20 at 4 pm
Learn the foundations of 3-D printing: what it is, how it works, and where you can find resources to get, create, and share 3-D printable files.
Advanced Gardener: More Flowers
Tuesday, August 20 at 6 pm
Join Anelle Ammons, Cooperative Extension home horticulture and green industry agent, for a presentation about strategies to get more color in your landscape throughout the season.
International Craft Night
Tuesday, August 20 at 6 pm
Ahead of the CVCC Multicultural Committee’s Celebration of Nations event on September 7, we'll learn to make papel picado, an elaborate-yet-simple Mexican craft of intricately designed paper banners commonly used to celebrate christenings or other festive occasions.
Black History Discussion Group
Wednesday, August 21 at 4 pm
To learn more about black history throughout the year, we’re gathering monthly to discuss various topics. This month, we’ll be talking about African-Americans in aviation and space history. Bring your curiosity and your understanding. All are welcome – light refreshments will be served.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Tiny to Two
Wednesdays at 10 am
A sweet, 20-minute storytime featuring rhymes, bounces, sensory play, and singing. Playtime follows. Ideal for newborns to age 2, but all are welcome.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Fridays at 10 am
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Yoga for All Ages
Saturday, August 17 at 11 am
Great for beginners, families, and advanced students! Please bring your own mat or towel.
Meet the Author: Maddyson Wilson
Tuesday, August 20 at 5 pm
Welcome Maddyson Wilson, a local Young Adult author, as she discusses her new novel, Don’t Blame the Reckless, the suspenseful story of a wild assassin and a broken prince.
Catawba Valley Writers Club
Tuesday, August 20 at 6 pm
Join us for our monthly meeting, as fellow writers discuss, evaluate, and share their works. If you enjoy writing fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction, or just take delight in putting words on paper, this group is for you. Expect friendly fellowship and lively conversation!
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Thursdays at 10 am
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Teen Movie Night: Captain Marvel
Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 pm
Join us for an end-of-summer/back-to-school pizza and movie night presented by the Preteen Council! Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls. Along with pizza, popcorn will be provided. Rated PG-13.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Wednesdays & Thursdays at 10 am
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Pre-K STEAM: Tinker Time
Monday, August 19 at 4 pm
Children 3-6 are invited for guided play and learning in our Construction Zone. Kids can show off their building skills, play pretend with construction toys, enhance fine motor skills, and more!
Explore Tai Chi
Monday, August 19 at 6:30 pm
Have you wanted to try tai chi but didn’t know if it was right for you? Taught by a certified instructor through Catawba Valley Medical Center, this 3-week class offers a chance to sample and explore tai chi as a way to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing flexibility and balance. Suitable for all fitness levels. Parental signature required for teens 14-18.
Tai Chi for Healthy Living
Fridays at 11 am
This series of tai chi classes runs through November 22 and is taught by a certified instructor via live video feed. Combining the Tai Chi for Health and A Matter of Balance principles, the research-based class aims to increase activity levels, enhance fitness, and prevent falls in adults of all ages. Participants will be asked to complete a survey and sign a waiver. For more information and to register, call Neighbors Network at 828.464.1111.
Universe of Stories: Non-fiction Book Discussion
Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 pm
2003. The tragic loss of the space shuttle Columbia and her crew, including the largest ground search in American history. Join us as we discuss Bringing Columbia Home: The Final Mission of a Lost Space Shuttle and Her Crew by Michael D. Leinback and Jonathan H. Ward. We'll also learn how NASA, along with many volunteers, worked to find Columbia and bring her home.
AED and Hands-Only CPR Class
Wednesday, August 21 at 3 pm
Using simple audio and visual commands, an automated external defibrillator (AED) offers guided directions for bystanders to help people suffering from sudden cardiac distress. The machine automatically diagnoses and treats with electricity, but only if needed. Learn how to use an AED (often available at public places like churches, malls, and county buildings) and how to save a life using hands-only CPR. This class will be taught by Catawba County Emergency Medical Services staff. Registration required.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Wednesdays at 10 am and Thursdays at 11 am
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Cancer-Revealing DNA
Monday, August 19 at 6 pm
Medicare educator Juanita Setzer will discuss the importance of our DNA and how it can reveal and help us prevent certain types of cancers. Participants will also learn about the new Medicare benefit that covers DNA testing! Ages 17 and up.
Catawba Songwriters
Tuesday, August 20 at 6 pm
Adults and teens are invited to share their musical talents while learning from one another. Bring a finished song or one that’s in progress to share with the group.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 am; Tuesday evenings at 6 pm
Songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn. Ideal for children 3-5, but all are welcome.
Crafternoons: Happy Birthday, Hawaii!
Thursday, August 22 at 4 pm
Hawaii became the 50th state in August, 1959. To celebrate that event, join us to have fun making a lei and trying out some hula moves. All supplies provided. Registration required.
Do You Hoopla?
Wednesday, August 21 at 10 am
If you don't use this free app, you're missing out! Come learn how to download and stream movies, TV series, music, and ebooks. The class will introduce you to the platform, help you create an account, and get you started watching, listening, and reading.