Catawba County News

STEAM Stations: Art

STEAM Stations: Art

Published: August 28, 2019

STEAM education has become incredibly popular in recent years. Bringing together science, technology, engineering, art, and math to inform each other is a technique that helps students make meaningful connections about the world and then apply those connections to practical, real-life situations.

In our upcoming Library program, we’re demonstrating that an understanding of science concepts helps us make better art. With a knowledge of oils, water, and photosensitive materials, we can make sense of what takes place when we mix certain substances – and take delight in reactions we might not have anticipated.

To put the theory into practice in this month’s Art STEAM program, participants will be creating milk magic, making sunprints, and exploring other cool products. We’ll also be talking about how small changes to the artistic process can result in totally different outcomes.

The program is designed for children 5 and up, but all are welcome. To attend, join us at 4 pm on Thursday, September 5 at the Claremont Branch Library and at 11 am on Saturday, September 14 at the Conover Branch Library.