Catawba County News

Severe Weather Season Starts

Severe Weather Season Starts

Published: March 02, 2022

Catawba County is no stranger to severe weather, including tornadoes. They can happen any month of the year and any time, day or night. However, we have two distinct severe weather seasons. Our primary severe weather season is considered to be in the spring (March through May). There is also a secondary season that typically runs from October until mid-December. The severity of each severe weather season varies from year to year, but it's imperative that you stay prepared year-round.

Catawba County Emergency Management and other supporting organizations ask for your help in staying informed about severe weather safety. Advance planning and increased awareness will help county residents survive these deadly storms.

North Carolina Severe Weather Preparedness Week is March 6 - 12, 2022 and many of you may be asked to participate in the Statewide Tornado Drill on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. We know your kids will be practicing for tornadoes at school but what about you? Are you ready at work? At home? In your car?

One of the most important steps right now is to understand where you are. Sounds simple, right? Make sure you can identify where your home and office are on a map of North Carolina and specifically where in Catawba County. When severe weather warnings happen you will know where to look on the radar or during TV broadcasts for warnings that affect you. Weather warnings do not usually affect the entire county. It's important to always check if those bright red, yellow or green polygons are over your specific location.

Other great severe weather preparedness tips can be found here: and general emergency preparedness is here