Catawba County News

September Reads 2024
Published: September 04, 2024
Click on any of the titles below to put a copy on hold for yourself!
Patron Picks - Books
The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor
Britt-Marie Was Here by Fredric Backman
Trauma by Michael Palmer
Librarian Picks - Books
Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
A Silent Voice Volume 6 by Yoshitoka Oima
Teen Picks - Books
False Memory by Dan Krokos
Unclaimed Baggage by Jen Doll
Otherearth by Jason Segel
Patron Picks - DVDs
Librarian Picks - DVDs
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Staff Recommendation
Role Playing by Cathy Yardley
“Role Playing is a cute rom-com that I found so relatable because of the gaming and nerdy references plus the main characters were in their 40’s. You just don’t see a lot of rom-coms with older love matches! It also didn’t follow the usual formula for this genre which appealed to me. Both characters were damaged in some way and they had to work through their issues before really being able to form a bond which was so natural to me. It’s not always easy! Filled with many laugh out loud moments and some great banter, Role Playing is a fun little read”.
-Chanda Platania, Digital Services Librarian