Catawba County News

Republic Services COVID-19 Update
Published: March 27, 2020
Residential Curb-side Pickup
Republic Services has made the continuation of curb-side pickup a priority and there are currently no plans to change this service during the Covid-19 pandemic. If the situation changes, Republic will work with Catawba County well in advance of implementing any household waste collection changes.
Residential ON-Call Bulk Item and Yard Waste Pickup
The first change to be implemented will be the suspension of on-call curb-side residential bulk item and yard waste pickup. Beginning March 30th, Republic Services will no longer pickup bulk items or yard waste as part of its on-call residential service. Republic is anticipating a 30% increase in residential solid waste due to so many people sheltering in place at their homes. On-call pickup draws off resources that are needed to perform the regular residential pickup services. The on-call pickup suspension will continue in place as long as so many stores, businesses and entertainment establishments are closed. The convenience centers and the County’s landfill will continue to accept bulk items and yard waste for disposal.
Convenience Centers
Currently, convenience centers will continue to operate on their normal schedules. Republic is implementing measures to limit contact with the public at these centers. If Republic starts to have difficulty with the staffing of these facilities, some closures may occur.
Republic Services intends to keep collecting curb-side recyclables for as long as they have enough drivers available to do so. Recyclables will continue to be processed as long as the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) is in operation. Should an issue develop with keeping drivers at work, Republic’s primary responsibility will be to maintain the curb-side collection of household waste and recycling options will be discussed at that time. If the MRF should be closed at some point, Republic will continue to perform the normally scheduled curb-side pickup for recyclables, but these materials will be disposed of at the landfill while the MRF is closed. This will be an option of last resort.