Catawba County News

Outbreaks Ongoing at Congregate Care Facilities
Published: May 29, 2020
Catawba County Public Health is seeing an increase in cases related to ongoing outbreaks at congregate care facilities. Based on test results received today, 31 residents and two staff at Brian Center Health and Rehabilitation in Viewmont have been infected with COVID-19. No additional cases have been identified at Abernethy Laurels in Newton. Two cases are associated with a small group home for adults in Catawba County.
“We have been conducting aggressive testing to help rapidly identify new cases associated with long-term care facilities,” said Catawba County Health Director Jennifer McCracken. “These numbers are a disheartening reminder of how quickly COVID-19 can spread in this environment. Families of facility residents are understandably worried about their loved ones, and we are committed to supporting these facilities as they work to protect and care for their residents.”
Assistance from Public Health has included ongoing and frequent communication with facility administrators, advising facilities on measures they should take to prevent the spread of COVID-19, helping to address Personal Protective Equipment concerns, and aiding facilities in rapidly identifying additional cases.
Click HERE to see current stats on the COVID-19 dashboard as well as information and resources.