Catawba County News

Murder Mystery Party: Aliens
Published: June 27, 2019
Do you love the challenge of role-playing games? Are you good at maintaining a character, even in the face of unexpected questioning? If the answers are ‘yes,’ you should consider participating in our upcoming murder mystery party!
In this group scenario, players are assigned parts, and then they work to identify and capture the killer. There’s added intrigue in this version because extraterrestrials are featured in the crime-solving dynamic. As players work in real time and against the odds, the pressure becomes more intense!
Play on your own, or bring a group of friends to pit your abilities against those of other groups – hopefully in time to prevent your own demise! A meal will be served as part of the adventure, and teens and adults are both welcome. This is a sure chance to test your skills and subject yourself to the discomfort of the unknown – but in an ultimately safe environment!
To make a reservation and to participate in the excitement, please call 828.466.5108. The event takes place Saturday, June 29 at 11 am at the Conover Branch Library.