Catawba County News

Litter Sweep Event April 17
Published: April 12, 2021
It’s time again to help Keep Catawba County Beautiful as part of Litter Sweep, a statewide initiative organized twice a year by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Volunteers are invited to help beautify the community by removing litter from our roadways at an event this month hosted by the City of Conover.
The City of Conover’s event will be held Saturday, April 17 at Conover City Park, located at 361 5th Ave SE in Conover, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Volunteers are asked to meet at the park’s shelter between 8:30-9:00 a.m. to pick up supplies and a map. While we are asking you to come together as a community, we must remind everyone to practice social distancing during this time to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. For more information or to register for this event, call Courtney Kennedy at (828) 464-1191.
Volunteers can participate as individuals or organize as teams to assist with litter removal activities.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (DOT) statewide Spring Litter Sweep is held April 10-24, 2021. Interested parties may schedule other local cleanup drives by calling the local DOT office at (828) 468-6280.
Keep Catawba County Beautiful is the local chapter of Keep America Beautiful, Inc., a nonprofit organization promoting responsible behavior regarding littering, recycling, solid waste management and beautification. To learn more about the chapter and its activities, call Executive Director Ariel Kanupp at (828) 465-8217.
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