Catawba County News

Letter to Citizens from Sheriff Don Brown
Published: April 01, 2020
Citizens of Catawba County:
The Chiefs of Police from all of our municipalities and myself are speaking with one voice as we offer this message concerning our joint efforts to serve you while we are all impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
First, we encourage everyone to take Governor Cooper's "Stay at Home" order seriously. This and other preventative measures such as, "social distancing", are vital as we all work together to stop the spread of this virus. The more readily we comply with these directives the sooner we can hope to return to life as we are accustomed in Catawba County.
Law Enforcement is seeking voluntary compliance with the Governor's Order. We have already observed this voluntariness in many ways. For that and for every act of kindness you have shown us and each other, we are thankful.
In instances where we receive reports of people who may not be closely following these directives we will seek to educate our citizens on the specifics of this order and further encourage voluntary compliance. We are asking all of our citizens to partner with us in the spirit of each person doing their part to help end this pandemic.
Law Enforcement here in Catawba County is still at full staffing levels. We are still enforcing all laws. You will see officers and deputies utilizing personal protective equipment as necessary.
Officers and deputies may handle some calls by phone as we are also working to practice "social distancing" when possible.
Addressing some specific questions our agencies have received.
- No passes or paperwork is required to travel in or pass through Catawba County
- Everyone may travel to access essential services or to perform essential functions as listed in Governor Cooper's order
- Businesses and other entities considered essential are listed on the Counties web site
- Purchase and Concealed handgun permits are still being issued by the Sheriff’s Office.
- Access the Sheriff’s Office website for additional information concerning these permits.
We are hoping that this time will be used for everyone to spend with their immediate families so that perhaps some positive memories can be made inside of a time that will otherwise become a fixed point in history.
These are challenging times but our county and all the cities and towns that make it up are strong. Our citizens are resilient. Your law enforcement agencies are unified. This pandemic will end and we will return to our way of life here in Catawba County.
Donald G. Brown II