Catawba County News

Let's See What Mars is Like
Published: July 03, 2019
Who doesn’t love the intrigue of Mars? Earth’s close neighbor has fascinated us for generations, and even today, we wonder about whether the Red Planet actually has water, harbors life, and could host a human colony at some future date.
To sort out some of the mystery and let ourselves dream about the possibilities, we’ll be embarking on a number of Mars-themed activities this coming week.
First, we’ll explore what it means to cook with sunlight by making our own solar ovens. Teens and tweens (11+) are invited to learn how to harness the power of the sun and then (weather permitting) experiment with making ‘Martian’ recipes outside. The program takes place at 3:30 pm on Monday, July 8 at the Southwest Branch Library.
That same evening, the library will be screening the movie Martian Child. In the 2007 film, David, a recently widowed author played by John Cusack, adopts a troubled 6-year-old boy who believes he’s from Mars. Despite his love for the boy, David tries to encourage him to acknowledge that he’s an earthling, only to face doubts about the boy’s origins himself. Rated PG. The screening takes place at 5:30 pm on Monday, July 8 at the Southwest Branch Library.
We’ll let our imaginations run wild, then, when we create Martian art. Local artist Pasqualina Gorry will guide children to exercise their creativity by considering what art would be like on the Red Planet. Kids will be able to use techniques of mixed media, collage, and other elements to flesh out whatever they envision. It’s sure to be a fun activity! This program takes place at 4 pm on Tuesday, July 9 at the Southwest Branch Library.