Catawba County News

Join NC Author Heather Frese for Writing Workshop
Published: June 03, 2021
Are you a budding writer working on a novel? Do you have questions about building a narrative and bringing your characters to life?
The Catawba County Library is pleased to be hosting a virtual workshop featuring North Carolina writer Heather Frese to help you hone your craft. It takes place at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, June 8; to register, visit or call 828.465.8665.
The Raleigh-based Frese has published short stories, essays, and poetry. Her recently-released debut novel, The Baddest Girl on the Planet, is a coming-of-age story set on Hatteras Island, NC, and was the winner of the Lee Smith Novel Prize.
During the workshop, Frese will talk about the elements of fiction that can lift a story off the ground, including plot, setting, voice, and dialogue. She’ll also provide time for you to write and ask questions and will offer personal feedback. Plus, you’ll have a chance to win a free signed copy of The Baddest Girl on the Planet.
A native Ohioan, Frese received master’s degrees from West Virginia University and Ohio University. Her work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, the Los Angeles Review, Front Porch, the Barely South Review, Switchback, and elsewhere, earning notable mention in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and Best American Essays.