Catawba County News

Gift Wrap Like a Pro

Gift Wrap Like a Pro

Published: December 10, 2019

Depending on your age, wrapping boxes with Christmas paper may seem like an antiquated notion or a fondly remembered tradition. Before the days of gift bags, shoppers often took painstaking efforts to master a crisp, tailored wrapping job – or else they depended on the talents of career wrappers at the local department store’s customer service desk.

No matter which generation you belong to, if you’d like to experience the nostalgia and zen achievement of a beautifully wrapped gift, join us at the library for a tutorial on old-school wrapping techniques. It’s a certain way to impress the recipients of your gifts!

Among the lessons the workshop intends to impart are how to be economical with the amount of paper used and how to ensure tight, sharp corners on your gift packages. The theory may seem basic enough, but the practical aspects demand a few essential tips and tricks that you won’t want to miss.

Supplies will be provided for each participant to wrap up to two gifts (maximum size of 36” in any direction) that are brought to the program. The workshop takes place at 5 pm on Wednesday, December 18 at the Main Library in Newton, so you’ll be able to have your gifts in professional shape and under the tree well in advance of Christmas!