Catawba County News

Get Smart About Your Credit Workshop
Published: October 23, 2019
Based on all the TV commercials advising people to track their credit scores, improve their credit ratings, and subscribe to credit monitoring, you can be sure that sound financial standing is a priority in American society. From being approved for utility services to becoming eligible for a mortgage, a person needs good credit.
If you’re personally worried about how to maintain a solid credit rating or are working to regain a lapsed one, you’ll want to attend the library’s upcoming workshop. The session will be led by financial wellness coach Rita Purvis, a representative from Operation HOPE, a non-profit organization that provides financial literacy empowerment and economic education to youth and adults.
Purvis will teach people how to read their credit reports, provide guidance on establishing or improving a credit score, and instruct participants on how to correct any errors that may be negatively impacting their credit rating.
As Operation HOPE shares, “A community empowered with financial dignity asks better questions, demands better products and services, is more aspirational, and is better positioned. An empowered community is a community filled with economic opportunity.”
To learn how you can protect or revive your own credit, get details and tips at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, October 29 at the Main Library in Newton. Registration is required: 828.465.8665.