Catawba County News

Employment Workshop: Reentry

Employment Workshop: Reentry

Published: March 25, 2021

Do you need help figuring out how to look for employment due to road blocks from a criminal record? If you’re uncertain about how to proceed and how to give yourself the best shot at securing a good job, count on the people from NCWorks. Focused on workforce development, they support job-seekers and employers, so they’re well-versed in the best ways to connect the right organizations to the right employees.

In partnership with the library, NCWorks is offering a virtual workshop that will offer helpful information about reentry, along with assistance on how to get things in order for your particular circumstances. From resources and guidelines to individual support, the NCWorks staff will help you understand what’s needed in order to achieve success!

The session takes place at 10 am on Tuesday, March 30. To participate, register at A Zoom link will be sent to you via email prior to the workshop.