Catawba County News

Educators Meet Library Challenge
Published: February 25, 2022
On February 5th, Catawba County Library System celebrated the 11th annual Take Your Child to the Library Day with free crafts and activities for children and families. We also issued a challenge to our educator friends - the classroom with the most students to participate in the festivities would win a complete box set of Mo Willems’ Elephant & Piggie books.
Goodness, did they deliver! We met students from all three school districts and lots of new families across all of our branches. To hold up our end of the deal, we surprised not one, but two teachers this week!
Thank you to all the educators and families who encourage their children to read, and visit the library! A special thanks to Ms. Rhoney at Banoak Elementary School and Ms. Baker at Southwest Primary. Their classrooms had the most participation for our Take Your Child to the Library Day!! We got to surprise them with the complete set of Elephant & Piggie books for their classrooms, and cupcakes, pencils, and stickers for the littles!
It’s always a good day to celebrate early literacy and put more books in children’s hands!