Catawba County News

Educated...About Herbs
Published: August 28, 2019
Beginning in September and running through the spring of 2020, the Library will be participating in CVCC’s community-wide read of Educated, author Tara Westover’s memoir about breaking with her family’s beliefs in order to pursue a formal education.
Raised as an End-of-Days survivalist in Idaho, Westover lived in an environment where doctors, public schools, and the federal government were strongly distrusted. She had an isolated upbringing centered around her immediate family and her father’s salvage yard business until she left home as a teenager to attend college and ultimately earn her PhD.
Since modern medicine was viewed with suspicion in her survivalist circle, Westover’s mother practiced a self-taught brand of herbalism, which she used to treat minor pains as well as catastrophic accidents.
In the Library’s upcoming workshop, we’ll dig deeper into what herbalism involves, and participants will have a hands-on opportunity to explore the culinary and therapeutic aspects of natural herbs. Tim Yarborough, wellness director of Vital Plan, will guide the program and add context to Westover’s mother’s methods, like foraging for yarrow and rosehips and mixing up homemade tinctures.
To learn more about both the legitimate and perceived benefits of herbs, join us at the Main Library in Newton at 10 am on Saturday, September 7 for our first program connected to Westover’s Educated. Registration is required; please call 828.465.8665 to reserve a space.