Catawba County News

Discover Hoopla Music & Movies
Published: January 20, 2021
Do you use Hoopla? If you’re not currently taking advantage of this free digital resource, you’ll definitely want to! You can borrow music and movies (plus TV shows, graphic novels, e-books, and e-audiobooks) to enjoy from your computer, smartphone, tablet, or smart TV anywhere you have an internet connection. Plus, all users can borrow items from Hoopla without waits or holds, getting instant access to some 950,000 items.
To introduce Hoopla’s robust selection, we’ll be hosting a Zoom session at 6 pm on Monday, January 25. Join us to discover the huge variety of items you can enjoy and how to access them. We’ll cover how you create an account, how to borrow items, and how to get online help. Bring any other questions you may have, too!
To register for the session, visit You’ll receive an email on the morning of January 25 with the Zoom link you’ll need to attend the virtual program.