Catawba County News

Digital Resources: Keep the Library at Your Fingertips
Published: May 20, 2021
Did you know that the library is as close as your smartphone or tablet? These days, many of the library’s resources are available anywhere you have an Internet connection, and accessing them is an easy process.
To help you make the most of online books, movies, learning tools, and information databases, the Catawba County Library is offering a selection of virtual classes via Zoom. Each one provides an overview of the app or technology, along with opportunities to set up accounts, ask questions, and troubleshoot.
•NC LIVE from Home introduces you to more than 100 databases for education and enrichment. At the library session, you’ll discover how to access the Wall Street Journal online, learn one of 110+ languages through Transparent Language, and read about legal topics and download legal forms through Other options let you conduct business research through Data-Axle Reference Solutions, browse a free database of Our State magazines, and get reliable health care information through MedlinePlus.
The workshop takes place at 6 pm on Monday, May 24. Register at or by calling 828.465.8664. You'll receive a Zoom link the morning of the program.
•Borrowing eResources presents two popular apps, Libby and Hoopla. You can download them for free from the Apple and Google Play stores and create an account immediately by entering your library card number. In the workshop, you’ll get simple directions for borrowing ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, movies, and music. You’ll also learn about the different features of Libby and Hoopla and see why it’s useful to have both apps. Alone and together, they offer an enormous variety of materials to meet your needs, no matter your age or interests.
The session takes place at 11 am on Wednesday, May 26. Register at or by calling 828.465.8664. You'll receive a Zoom link the day before the program.
• The library’s final class in its month-long Computer Skills Series focuses on the best ways to find and evaluate information online. It’s often a struggle to identify reliable websites or to recognize what’s trustworthy. This session will offer practical tips to help you make smart decisions about what you encounter and to collect the best information for your needs.
The class takes place at 11 am on Thursday, May 27. Register at or by calling 828.465.8664 to receive the Zoom link.