Catawba County News

Construction Completed at Catawba County Detention Facility
Published: June 23, 2021
(Pictured L-R) Catawba County Sheriff Don Brown, Commissioners Kitty Barnes, Austin Allran, Sherry Butler and Barbara Beatty, and County Manager Mick Berry gathered at the Catawba County Detention Facility in Newton June 22, 2021, to commemorate the completion of the facility’s expansion project. Planning for the project began in 2016.
The expansion was planned to coincide with the recent closure of the Burke Catawba District Confinement Facility in Morganton, which had been operated through a 25-year partnership between Catawba and Burke counties. The expansion increased the Catawba County facility’s total bed count from 259 to 579 and was budgeted at $33.1 million.