Catawba County News

Commissioners Break Ground at Site of Future New EMS Base in Newton
Published: December 13, 2021
[PICTURED L-R] Catawba County Commissioners Austin Allran, Kitty Barnes, Randy Isenhower, Barbara Beatty and Sherry Butler held a groundbreaking ceremony today at the site of the future new Catawba County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Newton Base, which is located at 1175 S. Brady Avenue. The facility was designed by Winstead Architecture, PLLC, and is being constructed by Moss-Marlow Building Co., Inc. The 5,925-square-foot facility will feature three large bays for ambulances and response equipment as well as increased storage capacity. Total project cost for the base is $3,032,085.
In line with the healthy and safe community focus in the Commissioners’ strategic plan, the Newton base is the first of three planned EMS base replacements in the county. Selection of the Newton base was driven by the existing base’s age and structural condition as well as the storage needs associated with the current 3,042-square-foot base, which serves as the central supply warehouse for the county’s EMS division. The relocation of the base from its current site in the Agriculture Resources Center on Brady Avenue to the intersection of Brady Avenue and Business Hwy 321 will also provide emergency response vehicles with more direct access to a major thoroughfare.