Catawba County News

Commissioners Adopt Fiscal Year 2024/25 County Budget
Published: June 04, 2024
During its June 3 meeting, the Catawba County Board of Commissioners adopted a Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget of $322,709,358 effective July 1, 2024. Commissioners maintained the County’s tax rate of 39.85 cents per $100 in valuation, which is the lowest in the region and the eighth lowest tax rate in North Carolina.
“This budget reflects our commitment to conservative fiscal stewardship by maintaining a high level of service to our citizens and the low, stable tax rate established last year,” said Catawba County Board Chair Randy Isenhower. “In addition to investing in core services, the budget enables us to continue our strategic focus on strengthening our economy and enhancing our good quality of life which are fundamental to assuring a resilient future for the County.”
The approved budget invests in core services and maintains a focus on key elements of the Commissioners’ strategic plan to maintain long-term economic growth and quality of life. Highlights of the budget include:
- Education: Supporting local public education with a 5.5 percent increase in total per-pupil funding, including an additional 1 percent local teacher supplement to support retention and recruitment; $11.1M in school capital funding spread across the 3 public school systems; $14.5M in planned construction projects for Maiden Middle School, Catawba Rosenwald Education Center and Newton-Conover High School; $100K in matching funds for the CVCC K-64 Scholars Program; and a set-aside of $1.1M for future Chromebook replacement.
- Public Safety: Providing enhanced support to the Sheriff’s Office through the addition of four road patrol deputies throughout the year and the hiring of a full-time digital forensic investigator; upgrading technology aimed at citizen transparency through the replacement of body-worn cameras and purchase of in-car video systems; and addressing substance use with expansion of Medication Assisted Therapy through the jail medical contract.
- Emergency Services: Enhancing emergency medical response with a neonatal transport EMT funded in collaboration with Catawba Valley Health System; providing equipment to support the start-up of an EMS community paramedicine pilot program; enhancing animal shelter operations with the addition of two kennel technicians mid-year; and maintaining planned ambulance replacement schedules.
- Economic Development: Fostering a positive business climate through a low, stable tax rate; expanding capacity through investments in key water and sewer infrastructure; and supporting increased building activity with the addition of a fire inspector and an environmental health specialist.
- Nature and Culture: Enhancing quality of life through a $125,000 set-aside for a 10-year Parks Master Plan update; providing upgraded, centralized education and office space for the Agricultural Resource Center through allocation of $4.1M towards the renovation of the former CVCC East Campus; and setting aside $200,000 for future facility upgrades at the Newton Main Branch Library.
- Compensation: Ensuring the County maintains high-quality services by remaining a competitive employer of choice through a market-based pay plan adjustment of 4% and maintaining a stable benefits package.
The adopted budget is available online at