Catawba County News

Celebrating National Library Week 2022
Published: March 28, 2022
April 3-9, 2022 is National Library Week
...a time to highlight the role libraries, librarians and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. The theme for this year’s National Library Week is “Connect with Your Library,” which promotes the idea that libraries are places to get connected to technology by using broadband, computers and other resources. Libraries also offer opportunities to connect with media, programs, ideas and classes, in addition to books. Most importantly, libraries also connect communities to each other.
As National Library Week Honorary Chair Molly Shannon says, "Libraries are places where communities connect—to things like broadband, computers, programs and classes, books, movies, video games, and more." While it’s true libraries connect with individuals on a personal level to meet their needs, we also connect with the whole community, leading the way as advocates, educators, and encouragers.
Catawba County Libraries ensure our community members have access to expert assistance with information and technology resources regardless of age, education, ethnicity, gender, language, income, physical limitations, or geographic barriers. Libraries strengthen our community and help create a more literate and just society. As a trusted space, the library brings people, information, and ideas together – anytime and anyplace - collaboratively addressing critical challenges facing the community by providing equitable access to the tools, resources, and spaces people need to succeed and thrive.
As a library user, you understand the benefits that libraries bring. During National Library Week, we encourage you to share that news with a friend, a neighbor, a colleague, or an elected official.
To kick off National Library Week
...we are hosting an author visit and writing workshop for adults with North Carolina Poet Laureate,
Jaki Shelton Green on Saturday, April 2nd at the St. Stephens Branch Library! Experience the magic of Green's storytelling and discover your own storytelling voice.