Catawba County News

Celebrate National Aviation Week with Your Library!
Published: August 13, 2024
National Aviation Week is right around the corner!
As the “First in Flight” state, we are celebrating with our friends at the Hickory Aviation Museum.
National Aviation Week occurs during the week of August 19, the date coincides with National Aviation Day, which celebrates Orville Wright of the Wright Brothers.Orville Wright made the first flight for 12 seconds and 120 feet around the site of Wright Brothers National Memorial, just south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903.
In years past, we have done really cool programs with the aviation museum including storytimes at the airport, building our own paper airplanes, learning the aviation alphabet, and touring the P-3C Orion aircraft that lives at the museum! This year, we will get to meet local pilots, learn about their experiences, and make our own popsicle aircraft (details below)!
DIY Aircraft & Visit with Hickory Aviation Museum
Saturday, August 17 at 11 am
Conover Branch Library
Celebrate Aviation Week with us and the Hickory Aviation Museum! All school-aged children are welcome to come learn about our local pilots and their experiences. You’ll also get to make your own popsicle aircraft!
*This event will take place at the Conover Branch Library in the Conover Station building.
After the program, make plans to visit the museum. The Hickory Aviation Museum is an aerospace museum located at the Hickory Regional Airport. They have artifacts from the Golden Age of Aviation, they’re the home to several super cool planes, and they have volunteers that know a lot about planes and many have served in the military. The museum is open during the following hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 10am - 3pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: 1pm - 4pm
While you’re planning your visit to the museum, don’t forget about the newly-opened Aviation Walk!
“The Aviation Walk creates another critical link between several notable Hickory destinations. As part of the larger Hickory Trail multiuse path system, the Aviation Walk provides bicycling and pedestrian connectivity from Old Lenoir Road and the future OLLE Art Walk, across U.S. 321 via a steel pedestrian bridge, past L.P. Frans Stadium and Winkler Park, up to the Hickory Regional Airport.
Designed to improve quality of life and drive economic development, the Hickory Trail will span over 10 miles across the city once all segments are built. The Aviation Walk is the third of five major Hickory Trail segments to be completed, and expansions of this trail segment are already in the works.”