Catawba County News

BOC Meeting Recap: 2/3/25
Published: February 03, 2025
The February 3, 2025 Board of Commissioners meeting was called to order at 7pm. The agenda for tonight’s meeting can be found at
BOC approved minutes from the Board’s regular meeting and closed session of January 21, 2025.
Vice-Chair Allran recommends the following reappointments to the Dangerous Dog Appellate Board: Dr. Sharon Monday for a fifth term, with a term expiration of November 4, 2027, and Mike Rutledge for a fifth term with a term expiration of February 2, 2028. Commisioner Setzer made three additional appointments. BOC approved.
Commissioner Isenhower presented a proclamation in observance of Black History Month. It was presented to Catawba County NAACP President Jerry L. McCombs.
There are 5 Consent Agenda items being presented.
Consent Agenda 1/5: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners designate Primary and Secondary Agents, Bryan Blanton and Jason Williams respectively, to execute and file hazard mitigation applications on behalf of Catawba County residents for federal and/or state assistance related to Hurricane Helene (DR-4827-NC).
Consent Agenda 2/5: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners accept and appropriate a grant from the US Department of Justice, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) in the amount of $14,269.00 along with its required certifications and assurances.
Consent Agenda 3/5: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners approve the GASB 87 and 96 materiality threshold of $500,000 and greater for the recognition of long-term debt obligations for leases and subscription-based software agreements.
Consent Agenda 4/5: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners amend the 2023 Urgent Repair grant project budget ordinance to appropriate $1,134 in interest earned for housing rehabilitation activities.
Consent Agenda 5/5: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners amend the previously approved purchase price for Sherrills Ford-Terrell Fire Station located at 4385 Mt. Pleasant Road by $18,000 and appropriate the funds necessary to complete this transaction from a previously completed capital project.
BOC approved all 5 Consent Agenda items.
Attorney’s Report: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners approve termination of the Economic Development Agreement between Catawba County, Piccinini’s Trader LLC, and Piccinini SRL. BOC approved.
BOC voted to enter closed session at 7:23pm. No further action was anticipated.