Catawba County News

BOC Meeting Recap: 12/16/24

BOC Meeting Recap: 12/16/24

Published: December 16, 2024

The December 16, 2024 Board of Commissioners meeting was called to order at 7pm. The agenda for tonight’s meeting can be found here.

BOC approved minutes from the Board’s regular meeting and closed session of December 2, 2024.

Chair Isenhower recommends the reappointment of Michael "Shawn" Hooper to the Catawba County Board of Adjustment for a second term, with a term expiration of November 30, 2027.

Chair Isenhower recommends the reappointment of Eric Goins for a second term and Dan Hunsucker for a second term to the Catawba County Planning Board, with term expirations of December 31, 2028.

Chair Isenhower recommends the reappointment of Joe Rowe to a fourth term and appointment of Jeff Cline to a first term to the Board of Equalization and Review, with term expirations of December 6, 2027.

BOC approved all appointments unanimously.

Chief Financial Officer Mary Morrison and Paula Hodges, CPA, of Martin Starnes and Associates presented the FY23-24 Financial Audit. BOC adopted the audit report unanimously.

Public hearing to receive citizen input and consider approving an amendment to the scope of beneficiaries related to the original 2020 Scattered Site Housing Grant application that adds three additional homes to the grant scope. The county received a $750,000 Scattered Site Housing grant in 2020 from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Rural Economic Development Division. These funds were targeted to rehabilitate up to fifteen homes scattered throughout the County which had already been pre-selected. No comments were made during the hearing. BOC voted unanimously to adopt the application.

Public hearing to consider a request to rezone approximately 14.8 acres from Planned Development–Conditional District (PD-CD RZ2020-05) and Planned Development–Conditional District (PD-CD RZ2018-07) to Planned Development-Conditional District (PD-CDRZ2024-05). These parcels are located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of NC 150 Highway and Sherrills Ford Road, and some are within the Townes at Sherrills Ford development. The parcels are in the Sherrills Ford Area section of the Catawba County Comprehensive Plan. No comments were made during the hearing. BOC voted to approve the request 4-1 (Commissioners Isenhour, Allran, Abernethy and Setzer for; Commissioner Beatty against).

Public hearing to consider an application to rezone two parcels totaling 38.33 acres located at 6218 and 6238 S. NC 16 Business Highway from Highway Commercial and R-40 Residential to Highway Commercial and R-20 Residential. No comments were made during the hearing. BOC voted unanimously to approve the request.

Public hearing and consider adopting a resolution authorizing purchase of approximately 61.65 acres (46.15 acres at 2625 Heart Drive in Claremont approximately 15.5 acres at 2545 Heart Drive) for $25,000 per acre, and authorizing the Chair to sign any necessary documents associated with this transaction; Amend the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Claremont as proposed; Authorize transfer of $1,541,250 in previously appropriated funds to the Claremont International Rail Park capital project to support this transaction. Over the last decade, Catawba County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has branded Claremont International Rail Park (CIRP) for industrial development and has marketed the multi-parcel rail-served site, working in partnership with both Catawba County and the City of Claremont to plan and develop this business park. No comments were made during the hearing. BOC voted unanimously to approve the request.

The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners authorize the sale of County property located at 104 and 108 West D Street, Newton to the City of Newton for $56,200.00. Previously utilized for residential purposes, the lots have been vacant since 2021 and the City of Newton has identified a potential use for the property. No County departments have identified a need for the lots. The proposed purchase price is reflective of the property's current tax value. Following discussion, BOC approved a motion to table the decision for a future time.

There are 7 Consent Agenda items being presented.

Consent Agenda 1/7: The Finance & Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve the purchase of the Sherrills Ford-Terrell Fire Station located at 4385 Mt. Pleasant Road for $475,000, transfer funds to support the acquisition, and authorize the County Manager to execute all documents necessary to complete the purchase, subject to satisfactory due diligence results. Sherrills Ford-Terrell Fire and Rescue is in the process of constructing a new Fire Station adjacent to its existing station on Mt. Pleasant Road. The County currently operates the Sherrills Ford EMS unit out of this existing station, given its strategic location from a response perspective.

Consent Agenda 2/7: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners authorize redirection of existing funding to replace thirty-four cardiac monitors and two automated CPR devices and to purchase eight additional automated CPR devices, for a total cost of $1,987,972. Catawba County has used LIFEPAK cardiac monitors for over thirty years. During that time, three new versions of the LIFEPAK cardiac monitor have come onto the market. Each new version was similar enough to the previous version that the County has been able to stagger the transition over several years.

Consent Agenda 3/7: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve a resolution to retire drug interdiction K-9 Stark and transfer ownership of Stark to K-9 handler Deputy Brian Weaver.

Consent Agenda 4/7: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve a donation of 25 Motorola XTS2500 portable radios and 16 XTL2500 mobile radios to Catawba Valley Community College for use in the college's BLET program. The Sherrif’s Office is in the process of replacing mobile and portable VIPER radios to comply with the 2025 TDMA standards. These radios will no longer be functional for public safety use in the State of North Carolina as of July 1, 2025.

Consent Agenda 5/7: The Policy and Public Works Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve submittal of the County’s intent to pursue continuation of Work First “Electing County Status” and appoint members (or their authorized designees) to serve on the required Planning Committee. In 1996, Congress ended the national welfare program known as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and crafted legislation to allow states to implement their own welfare programs.

Consent Agenda 6/7:Staff requests the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution accepting American Rescue Plan Act Funds from NC Department of Environmental Quality for Microsoft (Project Star) Sewer Line Extension, and authorize the County Manager to execute the Funding Offer and Acceptance for the $8,800,000 grant.

Consent Agenda 7/7: The Tax Administrator requests the Board of Commissioners approve 25 releases totaling $258,657.27, one refund totaling $33.35 and 39 Motor Vehicles Bill adjustments / refunds totaling $2,679.89 requested during the month of November.

BOC approved all 7 Consent Agenda items.

BOC adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.