Catawba County News

Approved Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget Now Available Online
Published: June 24, 2021
The Catawba County Board of Commissioners approved a Fiscal Year 2021/22 county budget of $308.4 million at their June 21, 2021 scheduled meeting. The approved budget, which goes into effect July 1, 2021, is now available online at
The budget was increased by $4.5 million from County Manager Mick Berry’s initial recommended budget of $303.9 million. The adjustment includes the addition of $5.3 million in American Rescue Plan Act infrastructure funding for water & sewer development and a countywide broadband accessibility assessment and keeps all fire district rates at Fiscal Year 2020/21 levels. There was no change to the county’s current property tax rate.
“We Commissioners thank the citizens and businesses of Catawba County for their investment here, which has enabled us to have a budget with no tax increase that provides increased funding for education, law enforcement, and essential government services and also saves money for the future,” said Board Chair Randy Isenhower.