Catawba County News

AED and Hands-Only CPR Class

AED and Hands-Only CPR Class

Published: July 30, 2019

Have you ever witnessed someone in cardiac distress? Would you like to know more about how to intervene in case of this medical emergency?

The Library is hosting sessions on using new automated external defibrillators (AEDs), which the County has placed at all library locations. These machines use simple audio and visual commands and offer guided directions so that any bystander can help a person experiencing sudden cardiac distress. The machine automatically diagnoses and treats with electricity, but only if it’s needed.

Participants will learn how to use an AED first-hand, which is helpful since they’re often available at public locations like churches, malls, and county buildings. The machine is easy to operate when circumstances require a quick response, but having advance familiarity can provide an added measure of comfort when someone needs to act immediately.

The class will also teach hands-only CPR, which is the preferred technique for the general public and doesn’t include an artificial breath component. The session will be taught by Catawba County Emergency Medical Services staff.

Two classes are available in August:

  • Friday, August 9 at 4 pm at the Conover Branch Library.
  • Wednesday, August 21 at 3 pm at the Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library.