Catawba County News

A Library Halloween, pt. 2
Published: October 23, 2019
Last week, we shared an assortment of the library’s early Halloween programs as a lead-up to the main holiday. This week, we've also got a packed schedule featuring a variety of activities to further draw out and celebrate the season.
Our continuation of last week’s activities runs the gamut, offering family-friendly fun for kids and teens and ensuring that there’s a solid mix of entertainment and education. Here’s what we’ve got going on for the week leading up to Halloween!
• Campfire Stories and Songs – Monday, October 28 at 5 pm at the Main Library in Newton
We’ll shift from make-believe stories to real-life experiences as we light an actual campfire in the library’s community garden! As we gather safely around the flames, we’ll share spooky stories and sing Halloween songs. Our own Jan the Librarian will play the guitar and lead the singing, so it’s sure to be a good time. We’ll have snacks, too!
• STEAM: Pumpkin Chunkin’ – Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 pm at the Maiden Branch Library
In this engineering and design program, kids will have the opportunity to create their own mini catapults, fashioned from simple wooden popsicle sticks. Once the catapults are built, participants will use them to launch candy pumpkins and marshmallows. Then, they’ll apply Newton’s three laws of motion to understand the forces behind their candy trajectories! For ages 5-10, but all are welcome.
• Teen Halloween Hangout – Thursday, October 31 from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Main Library in Newton
Trick-or-treating may not feel right to teens anymore, but what can they do that’s safe and satisfying? The library has a terrific evening planned to keep teens engaged and immersed in fun. We’ll be playing board games and video games, watching anime movies, and relying on creative impulses to craft eerie figures and objects. To head off the munchies, we’ll also have a spread of snacks available. Costumes are more than welcome!
• Catawba Trunk or Treat – Thursday, October 31 from 6-8 pm on Main Street in downtown Catawba
The Library to Go makes an appearance at this entertaining community event! We’ll be stationed among the vendors and the exhibitors, ready to share books, technology, Playaways, and crafts. Make sure to drop by for a Halloween treat, and let us ooh and aah at your awesome costume!