General Business Tax FAQs
Yes. Business names need to be recorded with the Register of Deeds, and it is recommended that you do this before applying for a Privilege/Business license. If you are using your name in association with the business, it still needs to be recorded. This is considered a Doing Business As (DBA) name and registering it will protect your business name.
No. However, please contact Business Tax Collections at (828) 465-8414 to inquire about specific requirements needed in order to obtain a Privilege/Business license.
No. The North Carolina Department of Revenue issues a state sales tax number which allows you to buy wholesale and sell retail, whereas a Federal ID number is entirely different. For sales tax number information, please contact the North Carolina Department of Revenue at 877-252-3052. For Federal ID number information, please contact the Federal Information Center at 1-800-829-4933.
Before the Tax Collector can issue a Beer & Wine License, you must obtain an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) permit issued to the business by the State of North Carolina. To begin the permitting process, please contact the State Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) Division at 919-710-8885.
You may access the form online here or call our office at (828) 465-8406.
Please contact the Tax Office at (828) 465-8406.
The listing deadline is January 31st unless an extension is granted. If a listing extension is needed, please send a formal request to the Tax Office before January 31. The mailing address is: Business Personal Property Listing, PO Box 368, Newton, NC 28658.
Bills are based on business listings as of January 1st. You are responsible to the taxes for this year. When you receive a listing form the following January, you will need to write on it that the business was sold and what happened to all the assets.
Please visit the Business Personal Property page or contact our office at (828) 465-8406.