
Death Records

Visit our General Information page for information about how to request a copy of a death certificate, including who may make the request, required ID, and fees.

Certain errors or information not given at the time the certificate was filled out may be corrected. Please call our office to discuss your circumstances.

The listed informant or the listed Funeral Home Director may amend a death record.

  • You will be required to bring a $15 money order for the NCVR.
  • Our processing fee is $10.
  • Once all North Carolina Vital Records (NCVR) requirements has been met, we will forward the amendment to the state office for processing.
  • Processing time varies and can take up to 8 weeks. however ask how to expedite for an extra $15 to NCVR.

Located in the Clerk of Court’s Office. Call (828) 695-6100 for more information.