Recording Fees
Accepted Forms of Payment
Feel free to call the office for any questions you may have, on any of the recording fees.
- Cash
- Business checks or
- Debit/credit cards
- You MUST also comply with North Carolina recording standards as stated in NCGS§161-14. If an instrument does not meet these requirements, the register of deeds shall register the instrument after collecting a $25.00 nonstandard document fee as required by NCGS§161-10(a)(18a) in addition to all other applicable recording fees. This office uses the standard Time New Roman font.
- You MUST also pay an additional $10 for each reference made (beyond the first) in an ASSIGNMENT being recorded. Example: An Assignment being recorded makes reference to four separate original Deeds of Trust, the second, third and fourth reference will cost you an additional $10 each for a total of $56 to record. NCGS§161-10(a)(1)
- You MUST also pay an additional fee in regards to instruments that contain EXCESSIVE RECORDING DATA. A $2 charge will be added for each party when more than 20 distinct parties are listed in the instrument, including any attachment and exhibits that requires indexing. NCGS§161-10(a)(1)