My Catawba County
Hart Square Village: Preserving the Past

Hart Square Village, a collection of restored 19th century log cabins from all over the county, is the site of one of the best-attended one-day festivals in Catawba County. What is it that makes Hart Square so special? We asked Rebecca Anne Hart, executive director of Hart Square Foundation, to fill us in.
What is Hart Square Village, and what makes it so unique?
Hart Square is the nation's largest collection of historic log cabins. It was the vision of Dr. Bob Hart, who with the help of friends and volunteers, rescued these pioneer structures and moved them to Hart Square to be preserved and enjoyed by the public.
How and why did Hart Square come to be?
In 1973, a patient told Bob about an old cabin on his property that needed saving. He suggested it would really look nice on his upper pond. Bob, who was never quick to turn down an adventure, chose to move the cabin, log by log, to that pond where it still stands today.
As you may have guessed, that is just the beginning of the story. Bob had a knack for taking things from good to great, and a cabin is good, but a cabin with a barn is even better. Time marched on, and so did Bob. He marched his way to 103 19th century log structures one by one with the help of several volunteers.
Among these 103 testaments of American history stand thirty homes, two churches, and several trade shops. Each cabin has been furnished by Becky Hart with artifacts from the 1800s that she and Bob collected over the past 60 years at flea markets and estate sales all over the Eastern United States.
When does the annual festival take place, and what can visitors expect to see?
To enter the village on festival day is to enter the early 1800s. Here, visitors will witness everything from flax making, cotton baling, and tinsmithing to apple butter making and the sweet sounds of old time music. Hundreds of demonstrators are dressed in period clothing and truly bring the village to life. Every cabin is open to visitors.
We boast the most talented and authentic demonstrators in the country and know you will agree with us when you come to visit. This year’s festival takes place Saturday, October 23rd 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets are $45 a person; children 12 and under are free.
In what other ways can people experience and learn about Hart Square?
Hart Square has events throughout the year including Christmas in the Village, a Sunflower festival and a pumpkin patch. If you want to visit Hart Square today and support its continued preservation, you can join our membership program. Members can visit any time Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.
What is the long-term vision for Hart Square?
Hart Square Foundation preserves the log structures, trades and culture housed at Hart Square Village. Through preservation and sharing, the foundation inspires the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and resilience of our pioneer ancestors. The long-term vision for Hart Square is to fulfill its non-profit mission stated above.
Hart Square is operated by Hart Square Foundation, a non-profit organization, that ensures the preservation of Hart Square for generations to come through educational programming and historic events. For more information, visit