My Catawba County
5Q: Nathan Poovey
This month’s 5Q is with Catawba County’s Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, Nathaniel J. Poovey. When he’s not in the courtroom, Nathan can be found enjoying the outdoors – most likely exploring local trails by foot or bike. Here’s what he had to say when we asked him our Five Questions.
What are the chief responsibilities of your role? |
I handle all administrative issues within the Superior Court Judges office in Catawba County as well as hold civil and criminal court across North Carolina, mostly in the western 25 counties.
What is your vision for the community, and how are you working to achieve it?
I would love for our community to continue investing in parks and recreational activities. Mountain Creek Park was a fantastic recent addition. As a member of the County’s parks advisory board, I have tried to advocate for an extended rail trail or greenway across the county.
What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do, and why?
Being a part of the process by which our citizens’ legal affairs are determined is both humbling and rewarding. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in attempting to render justice, which starts with giving every person who appears in court the opportunity to be heard. I am honored and blessed to serve in this capacity and I feel a deep sense of satisfaction in upholding the trust and confidence the public places in me.
On a personal note, what do you love about living in Catawba County?
This is my home. I love the small town atmosphere of our community, I love the beauty of our area and I love the location of Catawba County in relation to the mountains and the beach. But what really makes our area special is the wonderful people who live here.
What is the best advice you've been given, and how has it made a difference for you?
Former Senior Resident Judge Forrest Ferrell told me when I went on the bench to remain quiet as much as you can and to listen more than you speak. Judges do a lot of listening, but often, if you speak too soon, you will reveal how little you know.
First job?
Cleaning up wood scraps and sorting lumber at a furniture frame shop
Favorite place in Catawba County?
Mountain Creek Park
Most-watched movie?
Dances with Wolves
What are you currently reading?
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini