My Catawba County
5Q: Scott Millar

Scott Millar is Catawba County’s veritable economic development Wizard of Oz. Having served as president of the Catawba County Economic Development Corporation for the past 25 years, Scott has worked behind the scenes to land economic investments in Catawba County totaling nearly $9 billion and creating more than 15,000 jobs from a wide array of global companies, including Microsoft and Apple. So who exactly is this wizard? Read on to find out.
What are the chief responsibilities of your role?
Coordinating opportunities for existing industry expansions, new industry locations, and providing a solid and diversified economy for years down the road.
What is your vision for the community, and how are you working to achieve it?
A balanced economy that provides opportunities for all Catawba County citizens to have the ability to scramble around the jungle gym and improve their condition, with numerous types of jobs, lower taxes, and many educational opportunities.
What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do, and why?
Knowing that, over the almost 30 years I have been lucky enough to work here and “sell” Catawba County, with the over $8 billion in investments and thousands of jobs the EDC, the County, and the Cities have worked to create, we are well down the road to providing those opportunities in a wide balance of traditional industries, mid-technical positions, and the largest tech companies in the world.
On a personal note, what do you love about living in Catawba County?
Here’s an adapted quote — “not too hot, not too cold, not too north, not too south, not too Charlotte, not too rural.” The perfect balance for me.
What is the best advice you've been given, and how has it made a difference for you?
Sometimes God gives us presents wrapped in horrible wrapping paper, if only to force you to figure out there’s something bigger and stronger and smarter than you.
First job?
Butcher, Winn-Dixie
Favorite place in Catawba County?
Trails at Geitner Park
Trail Running
Most-watched movie?
Napoleon Dynamite
What are you currently reading?
How the Scots Invented the Modern World by Arthur Herman