How to Do Business with Catawba County
It is the intent of Catawba County Purchasing to make vendor-county relations pleasant, professional and profitable for both the vendor and the County. The purpose of the Purchasing Division is to maintain continuity of services and supplies to the various County departments by purchasing at the lowest cost consistent with the quality and quantity required.
All qualified vendors and sales representative are invited to call on Purchasing Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. An appointment prior to arrival is strongly encouraged.
Click here to view our video on Doing Business with Catawba County.
Salesperson can be expected to:
- Call in advance and make an appointment at a time convenient to the purchaser during normal business hours.
- Complete a vendor form and update vendor contact information as needed.
- State clearly when making the appointment that it is to be a sales call, and give a brief description of the product or service offered.
- Have a brief presentation prepared to explain the essential features of the product or service.
The Purchaser can be expected to:
- Be available for appointments during normal business hours on reasonable notice.
- Be on time to receive the salesperson.
- Listen attentively to the presentation and try to determine whether the product or service will benefit the county.
- Have appropriate staff personnel at the meeting, or arrange a future meeting so that the product can be adequately evaluated.